Pro Referral Program
At The Tile Shop, we love our Pro Rewards members. And Pro Rewards members love our exclusive 5% Referral Bonus benefit.
How referrals work
Every time someone provides your Tile Shop Customer ID number (CID) when making a purchase, we reward you with 5% of the total sale—in cash—as our thanks. And there’s no limit to how much you can earn.
Referral Bonus payments are made via direct deposit the month after the referral order closes. View full details here.
Referral Bonus Guidelines
When you refer a non-Pro customer to The Tile Shop, you’ll qualify for a 5% Referral Bonus—and can also offer them a discount in the amount of your choosing, up to 15% off the total sale.*
When you refer fellow Pros, you’ll earn a 5% Referral Bonus, and they will receive Pros-only trade pricing (Gold, Platinum or Diamond savings, depending on their Rewards tier).
*Non-Pro purchases discounted more than 15% do not qualify for a Referral Bonus.
Getting Started
Registering with PaymentWorks is easy!
All participants of The Tile Shop's referral program will need to submit their tax and banking information to PaymentWorks for verification in order to receive cash back payments. Here’s what you’ll need:
To begin, click the Get Started button below to request your invitation to PaymentWorks. Once your contact information is received, PaymentWorks will email you a unique registration link within one (1) business day.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Pro Referral Program or 5% Referral Bonus benefit, please contact your preferred Tile Shop location (or send a message to and a member of our team will assist you. We’re always here and happy to help!