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Design Ideas 


Although known for its white hues, our marble color choices are just as varied as your unique style. Marble is available at The Tile Shop in black, green, grey, blue, brown, red, beige and more. Lighter marble floors can drastically brighten your room’s atmosphere.

We love the way a traditional black and white marble tile flooring can add a classic vibe to your space.

Design Idea Item 2

Design Idea Item 3

Although known for its white hues, our marble color choices are just as varied as your unique style. Marble is available at The Tile Shop in black, green, grey, blue, brown, red, beige and more. Lighter marble floors can drastically brighten your room’s atmosphere.

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Mauris malesuada, mi quis gravida congue, tortor lorem tincidunt nulla, id cursus felis urna ac mi. Morbi eu varius erat, ac blandit lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus dignissim faucibus enim, nec fringilla metus gravida et. Donec eu congue sem. Vivamus molestie sodales massa quis tempus. Phasellus finibus massa ullamcorper eros porta efficitur. Sed ultrices elementum mauris, id lobortis urna ornare et. Phasellus quis libero vitae ligula accumsan vehicula sit amet id lectus. Phasellus ullamcorper ultrices leo, ut lobortis libero dictum non. Maecenas lacus tellus, viverra et ex eu, tincidunt fermentum diam. Sed et elit vitae metus ultricies imperdiet sed nec lacus.


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Two Column Image

Kitchen with patterned tile backsplash and green cabinets. Design by Airy Kitchens. Photo by Max Grudz.


Revitalize the heart of your home with tile that can achieve any design style you’ve been dreaming of.

Blue and white tiled bathroom.


Show off your creativity and personality with a fashionable-yet-functional bathroom tile design.


Sample Tiles

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Cream and grey laundry room tile.

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